Our customized literacy program will build grade level skills at pace that meets the needs of individual students. With Literacy Champions, your child will develop skills and confidence needed to become a better speller, reader and writer.

Grade 1 English Learning Goals
Grade 2 English Learning Goals
Grade 3 English Learning Goals

Oral communication:
use some vocal effects, including tone, pace, pitch, and volume to communicate ideas
choose a variety of appropriate words and phrases to communicate meaning accurately

express personal opinions about ideas presented in texts
read a variety of longer literary texts
identify various styles of writing, including voice, word choice, and different types of sentences

spell unfamiliar words using word structures and word meanings
produce various styles and genres of writing
make revisions to improve the content, and clarity of written work

Media Literacy:
understand and interpret various forms of media texts

Grade 4 English Learning Goals

Oral communication:
use a variety of listening comprehension strategies
identify purposes for formal and informal ways of speaking

identify point of view presented in oral texts

read and analyze wide variety of texts
express opinion about the ideas and information in texts
identify character traits, themes and understand their impact in a story

create rough drafts
produce pieces of published work, with focus on content, organization, style, and use of conventions
write short summaries for texts using main idea and supporting details

Media Literacy:
produce more complex media texts for specific purposes and audiences

Grade 5 English Learning Goals

Oral communication:
comprehend oral texts by asking questions and making inferences
identify strengths and areas for improvement as listeners and speakers

use speaking skills to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes

read variety of literary, graphic and informational texts
read various texts with appropriate expression and pace to match form and purpose
learn various elements of style including similes, personification and comparative adjectives

use editing, proofreading and publishing skills to present ideas clearly and effectively
write longer and more complex texts
communicate meaning clearly with a focus on the use of correct grammar

Media Literacy:
express opinions about ideas and issues presented in media texts

Grade 6 English Learning Goals

Oral communication:
use appropriate words and phrases from full range of vocabulary
identify strategies most helpful before, during, and after listening and speaking

read fluently with confidence
connect, compare and contrast ideas in the text to personal knowledge and experience
make interpretations about a text using supporting evidence

grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary
write complex sentences by combining phrases and clauses
building a portfolio through selecting pieces of writings that demonstrate growth

Media Literacy:
identify various conventions and techniques associated with different media forms

Grade 7 English Learning Goals

Oral communication:
communicate ideas using appropriate phrases and terminology
identify speaker’s tone, point of view and perspective presented in oral texts

evaluate the effectiveness of various presentation strategies used in oral texts

read variety of increasingly complex texts from diverse cultures
read with fluency for meaning
identify various elements of style including foreshadowing, metaphor, and symbolism

read critically, analyze and interpret information in the text

generate ideas about more challenging topics
write complex texts of different lengths using connecting and introductory phrases
create, edit and publish various written drafts

increase vocabulary and use proper grammar and punctuation

Media Literacy:
combine elements of various media forms to enhance meaning

Grade 8 English Learning Goals

Oral communication:
set goals appropriate to specific listening and speaking tasks
analyze and interpret variety of complex oral texts

use variety of appropriate visual aids to enhance oral presentations

read variety of complex texts, including novels, short stories, poetry, autobiographies, historical fiction,etc
identify different types of patterns used in texts
learn various elements of style including symbolism, irony, analogy, metaphor and other rhetorical devices

identify a variety of text features (e.g., tree diagram, tables, endnotes and references page)

write using figurative language and innovative expressions
proofread and correct written work using goals and guidelines
write in a variety of complex styles, including essay, review,
report, etc

use wide range of vocabulary, and appropriate grammar and punctuation
present written work effectively, with focus on spelling and use of homonyms

Media Literacy:
determine commercial, ideological, political and cultural perspectives present in various media texts

Literacy Champions Group
Learning Sessions:

(session = 1 hr)
2 sessions/week.
Total of 8 group sessions/month

It is time to practice for the championship:
Monday through Friday
(between 5pm-8pm)

(betewen 1pm-5pm)

Literacy Champions Individual Learning Sessions:
(session = 1 hr)
2 sessions/week.
Total of 8 individual sessions/month

It is time to practice for the championship:
Monday through Friday
(between 5pm-8pm)

(betewen 1pm-5pm)